
You can go through the written quickstart here or watch the video on YouTube:

Before you start, make sure that you have the following:

  1. Prepare new virtual environment with Python >=3.8. Install the packages

pip install "kedro>=0.18.3,<0.19" "kedro-sagemaker"
  1. Create new project (e.g. from starter). !!! Make sure you don’t name it kedro-sagemaker because you will overwrite Python module name.

kedro new --starter=spaceflights

Project Name
Please enter a human readable name for your new project.
Spaces, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
 [Spaceflights]: kedro_sagemaker_demo

The project name 'kedro_sagemaker_demo' has been applied to:
- The project title in /Users/marcin/Dev/tmp/kedro-sagemaker-demo/README.md
- The folder created for your project in /Users/marcin/Dev/tmp/kedro-sagemaker-demo
- The project's python package in /Users/marcin/Dev/tmp/kedro-sagemaker-demo/src/kedro_sagemaker_demo
  1. Go to the project’s directory: cd kedro-sagemaker-demo

  2. Add kedro-sagemaker to src/requirements.txt

  3. (optional) Remove kedro-telemetry from src/requirements.txt or set appropriate settings (https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-plugins/tree/main/kedro-telemetry).

  4. Install the requirements pip install -r src/requirements.txt

  5. Initialize Kedro SageMaker plugin. Provide name of the S3 bucket and full ARN of the SageMaker Execution role (which should also have access to the S3 bucket). For DOCKER_IMAGE - use full name of the ECR repository that you want to push your docker image.

kedro sagemaker init <bucket-name> <role-arn> <ecr-image-uri>

The init command automatically will create:

  • conf/base/sagemaker.yml configuration file, which controls this plugin’s behaviour

  • Dockerfile and .dockerignore files pre-configured to work with Amazon SageMaker

  1. Adjust the Data Catalog - the default one stores all data locally, whereas the plugin will automatically use S3. Only input data is required to be read locally. Final conf/base/catalog.yml should look like this:

  type: pandas.CSVDataSet
  filepath: data/01_raw/companies.csv
  layer: raw

  type: pandas.CSVDataSet
  filepath: data/01_raw/reviews.csv
  layer: raw

  type: pandas.ExcelDataSet
  filepath: data/01_raw/shuttles.xlsx
  layer: raw
  1. (optional) Login to ECR, if you have not logged in before. You can run the following snippet in the terminal (adjust the region to match your configuration).

REGION=eu-central-1; aws ecr get-login-password --region $REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin "<AWS project ID>.dkr.ecr.$(echo $REGION).amazonaws.com"
  1. Run your Kedro project on AWS SageMaker pipelines with a single command:

kedro sagemaker run --auto-build -y

This command will first build the docker image with your project, push it to the configured ECR and then it will run the pipeline in AWS SageMaker pipelines service.

Finally, you will see similar logs in your terminal:

Pipeline ARN: arn:aws:sagemaker:eu-central-1:781336771001:pipeline/kedro-sagemaker-pipeline
Pipeline started successfully

Kedro SageMaker Pipelines execution

Additionally, if you have (kedro-mlflow) plugin installed, an additional node called start-mlflow-run will appear on execution graph. It’s job is to log the SageMaker’s Pipeline Execution ARN (so you can link runs with mlflow with runs in SageMaker) and make sure that all nodes use common Mlflow run.

Kedro SageMaker Pipeline with Mlflow